Johns Hopkins is Maryland’s largest employer, a major purchaser of goods and services, a sponsor of construction projects and a magnet for students and visitors. In fiscal year 2022, we estimate that Johns Hopkins and its affiliates directly and indirectly accounted for more than $15.1 billion in economic output in Maryland, and 93,643 jobs. Including operations in Washington, D.C. and Florida, we estimate a total economic impact of nearly $16.8 billion and 105,000 jobs.

The following links provide more information about the economic impact of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Florida and beyond.
Economic Impact in FY 2022:
Maryland Fact Sheet | Baltimore City Fact Sheet | District of Columbia Fact Sheet | Florida Fact Sheet | Montgomery County Fact Sheet | Howard County Fact Sheet
Economic Impact in FY 2019:
Full Report | Executive Summary | MD Fact Sheet | Baltimore City Fact Sheet | District of Columbia Fact Sheet | Montgomery County Fact Sheet FY19 | Howard County Fact Sheet FY19